Monday, June 14, 2010

I really thought or maybe I was hoping I would be further along in packing and getting rid of a lot more of the stuff that I have hoarded these past 3 years, but because of a “flood” happening in our bedroom and 2 weeks later I tested POSITIVE for Malaria after living in West Africa for EIGHT YEARS I am not. No sooner than I started to get excited about the move and get things out of pantries, closets, drawers, etc.. I ran out of energy and basically was lounge and bed ridden! The doctor told me it would take about 4 to 6 weeks to recoup my strength and he has been pretty much correct on the time!

I have been back in the States since late April visiting Doctors and trying to gain my energy back and I have had both good days and bad days. Lately more good than bad : )

I head back to Luanda in the end of June and will pack out and head to Dubai with R on July 8 to house hunt and start a new chapter in our live at least for the next 3 years!

Friday, April 2, 2010

A New Assignment

After 8 years in West Africa we have been assigned to the United Arab Emirates or more specific DUBAI with a start date of July 1, 2010. When we left Nigeria 3 years ago after spending 5 years there I thought coming to Angola was a step up and once I got here I realized NOT, but in the 3 years of living here, Luanda really has indeed built itself into a major City however in the process making it THE most expensive City in the World for an Expatriate to live in!

While I'm looking forward to moving to "real" civilization where one obeys traffic laws, (well as well as anyone does in any City) and has more than one main road to get anywhere, where there are more than one or two restaurants within 15 minutes drive from your Compound. Grocery shopping won't take more than half your day or going to more than 3 or 4 stores over a 2 or 3 day time period. And one of the worst for me is not dreading that flight coming or going from the airport here in both Angola and Nigeria. I could go on and on - Oh but one of my favorite things to look forward too - NO MORE COMPOUND LIVING!!!

What I am not looking forward too is R's job! While he is very excited about it, me not so much. 2 days a week he will be in the Dubai office and 3 days a week in the Basara office. If the name Basara sounds familiar but you just can't quite remember where that is, let me help - IRAQ - Yep IRAQ!!!

So now I start the sorting of all the stuff (or as R likes to say crap) that I've hoarded for the past 3 years. Going through it all I gotta tell you it's quite impressive what I've manage to accumulate in the 3 years with the couple of shipments we've had not to mention what I've brought over in luggage! If you ask R he will tell you I have 5000 rolls of toilet paper left! It's no where near that, but when it does fill up a closet it sure does look that way.

I will update as I go along as this will surely be an interesting time in our lives.

I leave April 20th to head back to the States because my 90 days are up here, and R heads back May 13th as his oldest daughter graduates Law School. R will need to do all his medical and get his paperwork, ie... visas, letters and such done during that time and he will returns here June 7th. I have a return date of June 27th to pack out but now that he has a start date of July 1 my date to return will change and hopefully I will go with R to Dubai as oppose to fly back to the States a join him there at a later date like I did when we first came here to Angola in July, 2007