Monday, June 14, 2010

I really thought or maybe I was hoping I would be further along in packing and getting rid of a lot more of the stuff that I have hoarded these past 3 years, but because of a “flood” happening in our bedroom and 2 weeks later I tested POSITIVE for Malaria after living in West Africa for EIGHT YEARS I am not. No sooner than I started to get excited about the move and get things out of pantries, closets, drawers, etc.. I ran out of energy and basically was lounge and bed ridden! The doctor told me it would take about 4 to 6 weeks to recoup my strength and he has been pretty much correct on the time!

I have been back in the States since late April visiting Doctors and trying to gain my energy back and I have had both good days and bad days. Lately more good than bad : )

I head back to Luanda in the end of June and will pack out and head to Dubai with R on July 8 to house hunt and start a new chapter in our live at least for the next 3 years!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're on the mend finally! The kids and I head out tonight on the Houston Express (we were supposed to have left on Saturday but they canceled the flight). So, I won't see you again until who knows when. Mark and I are talking about going to Dubai for the October break, I'll have to get some tips from you. Good luck and best wishes! Stacie
